Unleashing Lead Generation Potential

National Claims UK

What we did

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National Claims, a leading UK-based company specializing in claims facilitation and victim compensation, sought to optimize their lead generation efforts. However, they faced challenges with their corporate-looking landing page, which resulted in a decline in quality leads.


National Claims identified that their corporate landing page design was negatively impacting lead submissions. In addition, their advertising efforts predominantly targeted female audiences aged 45 and above. The company recognized the need to revamp their lead generation strategy and optimize conversions.


We closely monitored to implement a multi-faceted strategy aimed at increasing the volume of sales qualified leads with high conversion potential. 


The following solutions were implemented:


Customized Landing Pages: CreativeHub designed and implemented four distinct landing pages, tailored to appeal to different target audiences. These landing pages featured captivating design elements, color schemes, and content, ensuring a more personalized and engaging experience for visitors.


Facebook Advertising: A strategic approach was adopted to create targeted Facebook ads that considered cost-efficiency. CreativeHub diversified ad artworks to cater to both male and female audiences, incorporating elements that resonated with each demographic.


The implementation of the revamped lead generation strategy yielded impressive outcomes.


Here are the results achieved:


Quadrupled Lead Count: Despite initial challenges, CreativeHub's dedicated efforts resulted in a fourfold increase in the number of leads within a span of four months. This substantial growth demonstrated the effectiveness of the new approach.


High Conversion Rates: The sales qualified leads generated through the enhanced strategy exhibited a remarkable conversion rate. This demonstrated the successful alignment of messaging and targeting with the desired audience.

Expansion and Future Plans

The exceptional results achieved and the client's satisfaction with the outcomes have paved the way for further collaboration. 


We are currently expanding the project by introducing a fifth landing page, allowing National Claims to tap into additional market segments and further maximize their lead generation potential.


Through an implementation of a strategic approach, we successfully transformed National Claims' lead generation efforts.


The customized landing pages, diversified ad artworks, and refined targeting strategies led to a significant increase in lead count and high conversion rates. This case study highlights the importance of tailored marketing solutions and the value of collaboration between creative agencies and outsourced partners in achieving exceptional results.

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